
Dominant Colors Lazy Loading

This plugin allows you to lazy load your images while showing the dominant color of each image as a placeholder – like Pinterest or Google Images.
Last updated
December 13, 2018
Active installations
Dominant Colors Lazy Loading

This plugin allows you to lazy load your images while showing the dominant color of each image as a placeholder – like Pinterest or Google Images. It also enables you to use tiny thumbnails as placeholders. If you want to know how it works read the article Dominant Colors for Lazy-Loading Images, where I explain the general concept.

To ensure the quality of the plugin please let me know if you encounter any issues. I will reply swiftly and fix them as soon as possible!


  • The plugin calculates the dominant color of an image upon upload.
  • All images attached to posts and pages are automatically replaced with placeholders and load as soon as they enter the viewport to save bandwidth.
  • Galleries added via the default [gallery] shortcode are also replaced and loaded as soon as they appear in the viewport.
  • A custom filter for lazy-loading thumbnails or featured images can be used in templates and themes (apply_filters( 'dominant_colors', $image, $id )).
  • Dominant colors can be calculated for all existing attachments in the plugin settings.
    • This has already been tested with thousands of images.
    • Until the calculation is done you can specify a fallback color for your placeholders.
    • All files that can’t be processed are listed during calculation and link to the particular attachment in the media library.
  • You can choose between GIF and SVG placeholders.
    • SVG placeholders have the same pixel size and aspect ratio as the original images, instead of being a single square pixel. This way responsive images do not need a wrapper for preserving the original aspect ratio.
    • GIF placeholders are small and have great browser compatibility. They also enable you to use tiny thumbnails as described on for your images.
    • You can set the resolution of tiny thumbnails to 3×3 pixels (120 bytes), 4×4 pixels (128 bytes) or 5×5 pixels (204 bytes).
  • The plugin is compatible with RICG Responsive Images, which has been added to WordPress 4.4 as default functionality.


You can see the plugin live at

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.