Protect your wordpress site with spam registration. DM Confirm Email requires new users to confirm their email addresses.
Last updated
March 11, 2014
Active installations
DM Confirm Email

Having so many spam registrations? Tired of getting fake users with fake emails? Good news! DM Confirm Email will solve your problems. DM Confirm Email will send a confirmation email and the only time it will actually “create” the account for the user if the email address is confirmed.

Also allows you to send a welcome message to newly confirmed and created users which is great to give your new users initial instructions or other information that can be helpful to new users.

DM Confirm Email integrates seamlessly with wordpress registration system and uses all native registration hooks which allows all your current customization and plugins to the registration work.

Additional Resources


  • Reduce unwanted and spam registration.
  • Verifies and confirms email addresses of user registrations.
  • Customize the confirmation email that will be sent.
  • Allows html email content.
  • Resend confirmation email feature
  • Define the number of days before the confirmation keys will be expired.
  • Customize all warning and successful messages in the wordpress side.
  • Ability to send welcome message to new users.
  • Prevents waste of resources and web space by only creating user account to confirmed emails.
  • Uses all the native registration hooks for more advanced customization.
  • Seamless integration
  • NEW! Ability to edit the email message containing the password of the new account that will be sent to the user.


  • Display all pending registrations that need confirmation on the Dashboard.
Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.