
DigiWidgets Image Editor

Photoshop-style photo editor supports layers, google fonts, photo filters, cropping, history-tracker and specific-sized templates defined by admin.
Last updated
June 28, 2019
Active installations
DigiWidgets Image Editor

Digiwidgets is an online image-editor that makes it easy for anybody to add and edit images on their wordpress website. While Digiwidgets incorporates popular image-editing tools such as filters and cropping, it also has more photoshop-style features such as history-tracking, multiple layers, google fonts, and its most important feature – predefined templates.

The template feature is for designers/developers who create WordPress websites for clients and want their clients to be able to easily add/edit images on their website. No more distorted, squashed or wrong-sized images. With Digiwidgets, you can create a ‘template’ for each image area on a website (bio pic, header image, content slider…) so your clients can create their own images without your help and without expensive photoshop software.


  • Predefined templates and one custom template (specifically sized spaces to fit images into)
  • Multiple layers (of images and text, easy to change layer order)
  • Google fonts (add interesting and fun fonts to your images)
  • History tracking for the life of the project (can undo all the way back to the beginning… even if it started months ago)
  • Filters (including grayscale, brightness, and contrast)
  • Resize and rotate images and text
  • Flip images horizontally or vertically
  • Add borders to images or the entire canvas

Checkout to look into getting a premium version of the plugin with even more features.

Premium Features

  • Unlimited custom templates
  • Cropping (rectangle and circle cropping)
  • More filters (including remove white and opacity)
  • Viewable history – view all the history for the project and navigate easily to any point therein
Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.