
Simpliest Social Share

Share your posts and Woocommerce products in social media, Whatsapp, Telegram and Email without losing web performance.
Last updated
April 9, 2024
Active installations

This simple plugin allows you to share your posts and Woocommerce products in the social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest), Whatsapp, Telegram and Email.

It does not use any counter that increases the use of web resources that can reduce its performance. It includes a shortcode so you can put the social share buttons wherever you want.


Once the extension is installed you will have a new menu option: Social Share

At this page you have three settings:

  • Where to show the share links: Posts and / or Products. You can also use the shortcode to insert Social share buttons wherever you want.
  • Which social media do you want to show and the order.
  • The style of the links according to your design.
  • Set a call to action title for each post type (post, product or shortcode).

You must save changes at the end of the page.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.