
Custom Invoice URL for WooCommerce by Digidopt

A Free one-click-to-install Custom Invoice URL for WooCommerce by Digidopt.
Last updated
December 31, 2022
Custom Invoice URL for WooCommerce by Digidopt

Right now there are one major problem for business who do external invoices for local sales and online sale they basically need to maintain inventory in accounting software like tally, zoho, quickbook etc

To share invoices with customers created in accounting software you need to share pdf on email And in case customers loses that email or message they will contact you again for invoice and you need to manually send it to customer again

To solve above problem we created a simple plugin that help you link invoice to specific orders basically once you created your invoice you can save it to pdf or image file upload it to any cloud drive eg. google drive, onedrive, dropbox or you can upload in wordpress media folder as well Create a public viewable link copy it, Paste that link to that order and update it

Customers can view and download their invoice with view invoice button in order history.

Freeon Creator plan
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.