
Create Content Offers Instantly From Your Blog Posts

Create content offers (aka lead magnets, opt-in bribes, content upgrades, ethical bribes, etc ) from your existing content automatically.
Last updated
February 14, 2019
Create Content Offers Instantly From Your Blog Posts

The best way to grow your subscriber list is by adding a content offer to your posts. A content offer is a small piece of content like a checklist that you give in exchange for the reader sharing their email to you. But creating content offers takes time and effort, so I made a plugin that automates the process a bit.

What this plugin does:

  1. Adds a double opt-in subscription box at the end of your posts to help you collect emails from your readers. The email is added to an internal list and also into your MailChimp list if you have one.
  2. Upon sharing their email, the reader is given an automatically created content offer. For this initial release, it’s a checklist generated from the existing headings of your blog post. For best results, use this on your list posts and “how to” posts.
  3. You can also customize the text in the subscription box and content offer.

Read here to learn more about the plugin

If there’s enough people who ask for it, I might add more autogenerated content offers to the plugin like spreadsheets, questionnaires, blog to PDF, etc,

Freeon Creator plan
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.