Cookie Bar allows you to discreetly inform visitors that your website uses cookies.
Last updated
October 24, 2023
Active installations
Cookie Bar

A simple, lightweight WordPress plugin for displaying a discreet notification bar that is dismissable and the dismissal is saved by cookie. Perfect for implementing the EU cookie law (GDPR)!

The Cookie Bar plugin creates a small bar at the bottom of the website with a short customizable message about cookies and an accept button. Once a visitor has accepted the Cookie Bar, it then disappears.

Feel free to try out the plugin through our installation of Cookie Bar.

Troubleshooting: If you or your visitors are using an adblocker that can block cookie bars, the bar may not show up. Whitelist your website in your adblocker’s browser add-on/extension.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.