The fastest, easiest 'Coming Soon' page for your website! Use the WP Customizer to see a Live Preview of your page as you edit.
Last updated
September 9, 2021
Active installations
Coming Soon Express

Coming Soon Express is the fastest way to get a ‘Coming Soon’ page launched on your website in two simple steps:

  1. Install the plugin.
  2. Customize it with the built-in WP Customizer.

Voila! Your landing page is up and running in 10 minutes or less.

See a live preview while you edit — no more switching between tabs to see how your updates appear on the site!

Your visitors will see the ‘Coming Soon’ page, while “logged-in” users are able to view and work on the website seamlessly behind the scenes.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.