
Cloud-O-Google Queries

Cloud-O-Google Queries is a filter to display keyword clouds based on search engine queries.
Last updated
August 31, 2010
Active installations

I guess I’m just curious by nature. After installing Anders Holte Nielsens Counterize plug-in, I noticed quite a few google query hits. I wanted to know which keywords led people to my site. I did a quick search but couldn’t find somethink like I had in mind (Update: A reader pointed out, that there is a plugin called Search Phrases, which has a slightly more minimalistic aim). Since Counterize keeps track of the referer, it was just a matter of applying some regular expressions and preparing a tag-like keyword heat cloud, which we’ve all gotten used to.


This is quite a simple filter. There’s two ways to use it:

function call [for use in templates]

  • <?php if(function_exists(cloogooq)) cloogooq(keywords); ?>
  • <?php if(function_exists(cloogooq)) cloogooq(phrases); ?>

token filter [for use in posts]

  • [CloOGooQ_PHRASES]

Either way will generate one of these two keyword clouds below. The first one disassembles the search string and counts each word for it’s one. The second phrase cloud leaves search strings intact – just like they got entered by the user.


This WordPress plug is released under the GPL and is provided with absolutely no warranty (as if?). For support leave a comment and we’ll see what the community has to say.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.