Work better with images, text and video by connecting your WordPress Site to your cloud storage or the stock media platform of your choice.
Last updated
November 15, 2023
Active installations
CI HUB Connector

Work better with images, text and video by connecting your WordPress Site to your cloud storage or the stock media platform of your choice. Easy, fast, and simple!

CI HUB is the ultimate digital supply chain connector handling images, Graphics Stock Media, and more.

The CI HUB Connector is an enterprise level productivity tool that allows you to connect to Images, Templates, Graphics, etc. Access your Assets and drag assets into the website you work in. CI HUB Connector synchronizes your WordPress Media Library to the connected services. If there is a new version of an image, or if there are changes to the copyright of an image you are using, CI HUB will tell you. The plugin also keeps your website up to date. CI HUB Connector synchronizes your WordPress Media library in Sync with your DAM/MAM/PIM or Cloud Storage. Check out the CI HUB Connector here here.

Key Features

Access assets directly. Connect to Images, Templates, Graphics, and Text from your DAM/MAM/PIM or Cloud Storage, directly in WordPress Bi-directional. Download, make changes, and upload back to your repository Metadata. Linked metadata can be transformed into styled content.

Main Benefits

  • Simplifies daily work.
  • Streamlines workflows.
  • Connects internal and external units.
  • Consistent and compliant asset handling.
  • Track Copyright changes to know you are using licensed imaging
  • Ensures production on demand.

We are already connected to:

Dropbox, Google Drive, Google Photos, Pixelboxx, Picturepark, Bynder, Asana, Workfront, eye base, MyView, SiteFusion, Adobe Stock, Getty-Images, iStock, Bandmaster, Brandfolder, CELUM ContentHub, Sharedien, Aprimo, SiteCore, Veeva, WebDAM, Adobe Creative Cloud Library, Adobe Lightroom see more here.

We are integrated in:

Adobe CC, Microsoft365, Google Workspace, Figma, Sketch, with many more coming soon

Free Trial and Subscription Payment:

All first-time users receive a 30-day free trial upon registration/creation of a CI HUB ID. Payment via credit card is required upon the conclusion of the trial period to continue use. The amount is €10,50/month/Yearly invoiced, plus applicable taxes. The costs are not for downloading the plugin, as it is only the subscription to CI HUB that incurs the cost stated above. Corporate plans are available on request at

Important notes:

To connect the CI HUB Connector to one of the selected third-party system, you may need a login/user account with that system. The availability and/or the right to connect to the third-party system is not part of the CI HUB Connector or the CI HUB Services. There may be an additional cost and/or agreements with the provider of the third-party system to use the third-party system. CI HUB reserves the right to remove the third-party system from the list of available systems or add new third-party systems at any time and without prior notice. To use CI HUB Connector, a connection to the Internet is required at all times. (Corporate setups with Proxy or Firewalls are available on request) To see Demo-Video, Tutorials, and more, go to or visit our Youtube Channel.

Try it for FREE for 30 Days.


Metadata shortcode “cihub_metadata”:

Attribute: id

Required: false Default: Current Post ID Description: The ID of the attachment. If empty, the ID of the current post will be used.

Attribute: key

Required: true Default: – Description: The key of the metadata field.

Attribute: wrapper

Required: false Default: div Description: Use “” or “false” to remove the wrapper element.

Attribute: mode

Required: false Default: value Description: “value” => metadata value / name => localized name for key / entry => full metadata entry

Attribute: htmlattributes

Required: false Default: – Description: Comma separated list of HTML attributes.

Attribute: content

Required: false Default: true Description: Use “” or “false” to disable insertion of content inside the wrapper element.

Attribute: throwerror

Required: false Default: true Description: Use “” or “false” to disable errors and use fallback instead.

Attribute: fallback

Required: false Default: – Description: Used in combination with throwerror = “false” as a fallback for a not existing value. All occurrences of “{metadata}” will be replaced with the result of the shortcode for the corresponding key specified with the attribute “key”.

All occurrences of “{metadata.key}” will be replaced with the result of the shortcode for the key specified after the dot.


Action: com_ci_hub_upload_asset

Params: post_id (Integer) Description: Triggered after an asset was uploaded to the media library.

Action: com_ci_hub_relink_item

Params: post_id (Integer) Description: Triggered after an asset in the media library was relinked.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.