
Change WP Admin Login

Change WP Admin Login is an easy-to-use WordPress plugin that allows you to safely change your WordPress website's admin login URL to anything yo …
Last updated
October 31, 2023
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Change WP Admin Login

Change WP Admin Login is an easy-to-use WordPress plugin that allows you to safely change your WordPress website’s admin login URL to anything you want.

The plugin’s simple two-step process ensures the safety of your WordPress admin login URL within seconds, and all of this without any coding.

Security against malicious activity – Anyone can find your WordPress website’s default login page, and this can increase the chances of security breaches like brute force attacks and other cyber threats. Change wp-admin Login plugin allows you to change your admin login URL and redirect any user to a redirection URL.

Change wp-admin Login plugin does not rename or change files in the core but instead simply intercepts page requests and redirects to another URL.

Why use Change wp-admin Login plugin?

  • Protect your WordPress website from brute force attacks.
  • Quick two-step process that doesn’t require coding.
  • Easy to secure your WordPress website from hackers and cyber attacks.
  • Only grant access to people you trust.
  • Hide your login page from malicious activity.
  • Easier than creating a custom login Url.

New Feature

Redirect Custom Field

Accessing the wp-login.php page or the wp-admin directory without logging in will redirect you to the page defined on the redirect custom field. Leaving the redirect custom field empty will activate the default settings (redirect to the website’s homepage).

How it works?

Go under Settings, click “Permalinks” and change your URL under “Change wp-admin login”.

Step 1: Add a new login URL Step 2: Add redirect URL

Note – After you activate this plugin, the wp-admin directory and wp-login.php page will become unavailable, so you should bookmark or remember the URL. Disabling this plugin brings your site back exactly to its previous state.


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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.