Easily change the default WordPress from email name and from email address.
Last updated
March 15, 2023
Active installations
Change Mail Sender

Do you want to change the WordPress default from email address and from name?

This is the plugin for you! It allows you to change the from email address and name for all emails sent from your WordPress site.

Are your WordPress emails not being delivered?

If you have issues with email deliverability, then just changing the from email address and name will usually not resolve the issue.

In order to fix your WordPress emails not reaching your inbox, we suggest installing the WP Mail SMTP plugin.

WP Mail SMTP is trusted by more than 3 million websites. It will fix the deliverability problems with one of your favourite email providers: Gmail, Outlook, SendLayer, Mailgun, and many more.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.