Chase up every lead, convert every sale, and grow your e-commerce business fast with an advanced marketing automation software designed specifically f …
Last updated
April 30, 2020
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Chase up every lead, convert every sale, and grow your e-commerce business fast with an advanced marketing automation software designed specifically for e-merchants.

In just a few clicks you can build and customize first-class marketing campaigns for the awareness, consideration, and after-care stages of the customer journey, then just click launch and we take care of the rest.

Using our multichannel capabilities you can combine SMS, email, and Facebook Messenger into one cohesive campaign to reach each individual customer where they respond best and maximize your returns.

Carts Guru provides you with pre-built campaigns for all the most popular e-commerce use cases:

Abandoned cart campaigns – automatically retarget every visitor who places an item in their cart then abandons it before checkout.

Customer win-back campaigns – remind old customers how great your products are and bring them back to your online store.

Post-purchase campaigns – upsell existing customers by recommending relevant products at the right moments.

Promotional campaigns – nurture customers with seasonal offers, new products, or one-time discounts and retain their business long-term.

And many many more…


Carts Guru pricing is contact based, the more contacts you have in your database the more you pay. To find out how much you will pay, check out the pricing calculator on our website.

FREE up to 300 contacts.


Try Carts Guru for FREE with our 14-day free trial and experience the power of multichannel marketing automation for yourself!


Marketing automation: Send fully automated marketing campaigns that target your customers at the right moment, on the right channel. Your business will run on auto-pilot while you sit back and watch your revenue grow.

Multiple channels: Combine SMS, email, and Facebook Messenger into one cohesive campaign and automatically target customers where they’re most likely to open, click, and make a purchase.

Dynamic workflows: Use fall-back logic to maximize your audience reach. If a contact doesn’t open your message, automatically reach out on another medium to find them on their preferred channel.

E-commerce dashboard: Make effective data-driven decisions and grow your e-commerce store. Analyze the ROI of your campaigns and track the growth of your business on your e-merchants dashboard.

Smart segmentation: Automatically segment customers into relevant audiences using our extensive list of properties. Ensure every contact receives messaging that is personally relevant to them.

Beautiful templates: We provide pre-built e-commerce templates that you can fully customize to fit in perfectly with your brand’s existing imagery. Keep your branding cohesive across all mediums.

Help is always available: With Carts Guru, help is only a click away. Our expert support team is waiting to help via our chat and email support.

FAQ and Knowledge base not available.

Write us at or chat with us on our website.

Prefer using the phone?

USA: +1 929 224 0706

UK: +44 20 3868 7434

FR: +33 1 76 35 05 37

ES: +34 931 81 66 51

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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.