Cache Master is an extremely lightweight, high-performance cache plugin that speeds up your WordPress sites on the fly. The core of Cache Master is dr …
Last updated
May 28, 2023
Active installations
Cache Master

Cache Master is an extremely lightweight, high-performance cache plugin that speeds up your WordPress sites on the fly. The core of Cache Master is driven by Shieldon Simple Cache, a PSR-16 simple cache library.

Open sourced on GitHub:

First release date: October, 1, 2020


  • Extremely lightweight and high-performance.
  • Support up to 10 cache drivers such as File, Redis, Memcache, Memcached, APC, APCu, WinCache, MySQL, SQLite, and MongoDB.
  • Provide detailed cache statistics, easy to manage.
  • Compatible with the WooCommerce plugin.
  • And more…


Before you install and use this plugin, please read the following notices carefully:

  • Logged-in users will not trigger the caching process.
  • A debug message will be appended to the end of the page’s source code: <!-- This page is cached by the Cache Master plugin. //-->. This is intended for debugging purposes only, confirming that the page is being cached. This message can be disabled in the Settings page.

If you encounter issues with your website when using Cache Master, please report the problem on GitHub and list all plugins installed on your website. I’ll investigate the problem and provide a fix.


Japanese (ja_JP) by Colocal.

Freeon Creator plan
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Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.