Transfer all users from one role to another.
Last updated
July 12, 2016
Active installations
Bulk Change Role

This plugin has been developed by WEBxMedia LTD to enable the transfer of users belonging to one WordPress role to another. This plugin originated from the need to move a group of users to a new role, as the existing role was being demoted (reduced permissions) for new user sign-ups. It’s simple and straightforward to use, and we have plans to enhance this plugin to enable more granular control over which users are transferred.

Docs & Support

You can find further documentation, FAQs and more detailed information about our Bulk Change Role plugin on If you were unable to find the answer to your question on our FAQs or in any of the documentation, you should visit the support forum on If you can’t locate any relevant topics, either post a new topic or submit a support ticket.

Freeon Creator plan
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Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.