Browserly allows you to easily customise the users browser, including setting the theme colour, and disabling overscroll or pull-to-refresh features.
Last updated
September 15, 2020
Active installations

Browserly allows you to easily customise the users browser, including setting the theme colour, and disabling overscroll or pull-to-refresh features.

Theme Colour:

Allow your branding to flow throughout the users browser by adjusting the theme colour of the address and notifications bar.

Applies to Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Windows on mobile devices. The default theme colour is #FF595E.

Safari Specific Styling:

Easily set the notification bar in Safari on mobile devices to be transparent (theme colour isn’t supported in Safari).

Scroll Effects:

Sometimes the browsers overscroll and pull-to-refresh features have unwanted effects on the user experience. These can be easily disabled site-wide, or by targeting the CSS class of a specific element.

Outdated Browser:

Don’t let visitors using outdated browsers miss out! Display a message to visitors using an out-of-date browser version, recommending they upgrade.

Easy Setup:

Browserly can be set up in seconds. All options are available within the WordPress Customizer > Browserly.

Freeon Creator plan
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Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.