Ajoutez des fonctionnalités à votre site avec des extensions

Ajoutez de nouvelles fonctionnalités et intégrations à votre site grâce à des milliers d'extensions.

12 plugins
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    Speculative Loading
    by WordPress Performance Team
    Enables browsers to speculatively prerender or prefetch pages when hovering over links.
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    Pre* Party Resource Hints
    by Sam Perrow
    Take advantage of browser resource hints and plug-and-play features to improve page load time.
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    WordPress Instant Articles
    by khromov, titanas
    WordPress Instant Articles dramatically improves user experience and site speed with page pre-render, DNS prefetch, Link Prefetch, HTML5 subresource
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    Oxyplug Prefetch & Prerender
    by OxyPlug
    Faster loading next pages by prerendering/prefetching all links a user hovers or addresses you prefer. It improves UX and Core Web Vitals score.
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    Prerender and Prefetch
    by FranTorres
    Puts Prerender and Prefetch tag in the page. Allowing compatible navigators to do a pre-load of the page you figure the visitor is going to go.
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    Prerender Plugin
    by Hekkup
    Enable Googlebots to Render Your Site
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    EVE Dynamic Prerender
    by Giovanni Sacheli
    An easy and powerful plugin to implement a real dynamic Prerender Meta Tag inside the head section of the HTML document. This version use AJAX so it w …
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    LH Prefetch and Render
    by Peter Shaw
    A simple yet effective way of setting which pages to prefetch and prerender on your site.
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    wuk.ch DNS-Prefetch / Prerender
    by web updates kmu GmbH
    Adds dns-prefetch and prerender functionalities on WordPress for better PageSpeed.
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    Behavior Flow
    by ThemeAvenue
    Better site performance and increased conversion rates using visitors' behavior flow
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    Fast Forward
    by Albert Bertilsson
    Help browsers preload content to speed up the next page view.
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    Make your site load insanely fast with PreClick
    by Trey Copeland
    A plugin that makes your site extremely fast by prefetching the next URL that a user plans to click