
bbPress Simple View Counts

Adds a count of post views into bbPress 2 forum listing display and into posts.
Last updated
January 20, 2016
Active installations
bbPress Simple View Counts

This plugin will add a count of page views to your bbPress 2 forum. The plugin inserts the count into two places, once on the forum listing page and once at the top of each post.

You can select whether you want a simple hit count, or a unique count of member views. Or both.

  • The hit count literally counts every time the page is displayed.
  • The member count increases each time a member views the page for the first time. It is a unique count. This tracks users using their WordPress user ID so if you mess with the user table the tracking will likely break.

Note that this is a new plugin and has not been tested on high volume sites so please perform your own tests before implementing. Feedback on performance greatly appreciated. Please post in the plugin’s WP forum area or mention @jezza101 in a tweet. This plugin is maintained, I use it on my own forums, but unless I have a request or it breaks I will not be adding new features as it works how I want it to work.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.