
bbp user ranking

For bbPress - Lets you add ranking and badges to topics, replies, and profiles
Last updated
April 18, 2024
Active installations

This Plugin lets you add ranking elements to topics, replies and profiles in bbPress

These appear after the author details on each post and can show any or all of the following in ANY order

Total Topics eg ‘Topics : 78’ – you can set the wording and syntax Total Replies eg ‘Replies : 157’ – you can set the wording and syntax Total Count eg ‘Total posts : 135’ – you can set the wording and syntax Your name for that level – eg ‘ace contributer’ Some stars for that level – in the colour of your choice An image for that level – you can specify the size.

You can also style and add badges to users, such as ‘Key contributor’

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.