
Autocomplete LearnDash Lessons and Topics

Autocomplete for LearnDash Lessons and Topics will automatically mark the lessons and topics as completed.
Last updated
May 22, 2024
Active installations
Autocomplete LearnDash Lessons and Topics

Autocomplete for LearnDash Lessons and Topics will automatically mark the lessons and topics as completed.

Here is what happens: * The students will see the Mark Complete button on their first visit. * They can also use it to go to the next lesson. * The completion will happen in the background. * Progress will move forward on next page visit * Next time they visit the lesson or topic, they will not see the Mark Complete button.

There are no settings, just enable the plugin.

Future Development

Depending on the interest in this feature, we will decide on adding settings and other features to the plugin.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.