
amCharts: Charts and Maps

Allows to easily add interactive charts and maps using amCharts libraries.
Last updated
April 12, 2024
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amCharts: Charts and Maps

Important disclaimer

This plugin loads JavaScript libraries from external amCharts CDN which is a free service provided by amCharts.

amCharts provides their libraries completely free without any caps to functionality on a sole condition, that small contribution is automatically displayed on all chart produced by amCharts library. The contribution comes from amCharts libraries/service and is not added by this plugin.

Related links: * Free usage terms / license of the amCharts library * amCharts privacy policy

What is it?

Ever tried getting JavaScript content into your WordPress posts or pages? Yeah, that’s impossible. WP strips down all the JavaScript.

This makes adding JavaScript Charts and Maps a hassle.

Developed and maintained by amCharts staff, this plugin solves the problem by allowing you to create chart code snippets, that then subsequently can be inserted into the posts or pages as a shortcode. (helpful button in TinyMCE is also there)

You can also use a built-in PHP function to invoke the chart anywhere in your template:

<?php amcharts_insert( $chart_id ); ?>

The plugin has also many helpful functions:

  • Easy switching between CDN-hosted or local chart/map libraries storage
  • Setting defaults per chart type
  • Automatically locating installed libraries and available resources
Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.