
All 404 Pages Redirect to Homepage

By using this smart plugin, you can fix all 404 errors by redirecting them to the home page or any custom page using the SEO 301 redirection.
Last updated
January 3, 2024
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All 404 Pages Redirect to Homepage

This plugin is for redirecting all 404 pages to the home page or any custom page, 404 URLs which can negatively affect search engine indexing. This plugin solves these errors in an SEO way by redirecting them using SEO 301 redirection.

You can see a list of all 404 redirections with the details like IP address, Date, URL, etc.

How to use the plugin?

Our Plugin will try to redirect all 404 pages to the home page or any custom page base on 301 redirections

After installing the plugin, enabled the status from the control panel above, if you want to disable the plugin functions, just set the status to disabled.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.