
AJAX Hits Counter + Popular Posts Widget

Plugin counts posts views (hits) by using external AJAX based counter script of this plugin, which is best solution for caching whole page or using ot …
Last updated
March 5, 2021
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Plugin counts posts views (hits) by using external AJAX based counter script of this plugin, which is best solution for caching whole page or using other cache plugins. Plugin also include widget “Popular Posts” for displaying popular posts (based on hits count) with different visibility settings and using predefined placeholders, such as {post_id}, {post_title}, {post_title_N}, {post_excerpt_N}, {post_author}, {post_author_link}, {permalink}, {post_date}, {thumbnail-[medium|...|64x64]}, {post_categories}, {post_hits} and {post_comments_count}.

You can show hits count in Posts/Pages Loop simply adding this line: <?php echo(ajax_hits_counter_get_hits(get_the_ID())); ?> or equivalent <?= ajax_hits_counter_get_hits(get_the_ID()) ?> Or you can use this shortcode: [hits]. Plugin also have JavaScript-callback function (on client) for “success” (ajaxHitsCounterSuccessCallback(xhr)) and for “failed” (ajaxHitsCounterFailedCallback(xhr)) result status of hits incrementation.


  • AJAX based counter ignores most bots/crawlers
  • Ability to reset the counter to any number any time
  • Plugin not require using any third party code and/or JavaScript-frameworks
  • Sortable admin column
  • Can be shown anywhere on the site using “Popular Posts Widget”, shortcode [hits], php-code <?= ajax_hits_counter_get_hits(get_the_ID()) ?>
  • Data import from WP-PostViews (“Tools”->”Import”)
  • W3 Cache/WP SuperCache compatible
  • Excluding counts from administrators
Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.