Allows multiple permalink structures and category-specific permalinks without needing redirects.
Last updated
May 5, 2012
Active installations

Provides advanced permalink options that allow you to:

  • Have multiple permalink structures. Permalinks can be assigned to posts or ranges of posts
  • 301 redirect old permalink structures (many structures are allowed)
  • Category-specific permalinks. Posts in certain categories can be assigned a permalink structure
  • No need to have a base to the category permalink!
  • Change author permalinks
  • Enable periods in permalinks – perfect for migrating old websites

All permalinks are real permalinks and do not result in 301 redirections. This means you can change your permalink structure without affecting any existing posts and without losing any page rank. Any attempts to access posts in the wrong permalink structure will be automatically redirected to the correct URL.

Advanced Permalinks is available in: * English * Bulgarian (thanks to Alexander Dichev) * Belorussian (thanks to Marcis Gasuns) * Russian (thanks to Slava Mikheev) * Uzbekistan (thanks to Alexandra Bolshova) * Lithuanian (thanks to Nata Strazda at Web Hub)

Example 1: Migrating a permalink structure

Say you have an existing site with the default WordPress permalink structure /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ and you decide you want to change it to a more keyword-heavy /%category%/%postname%/. If you change the permalink setting then all your old posts will be moved, and you will suffer a major loss of page rank (not to mention a lot of 404s). With Advanced Permalinks you can define a specific permalink structure for all your old posts and then create a new permalink structure for new ones. All your old posts will carry on living at the same URL as before, but all new posts will be created using your new structure.

Example 2: Category-specific permalinks

Sometimes you want posts in a certain category to appear elsewhere on your site. For example, your usual permalink structure may result in:


However, you want posts in the ‘review’ category to appear as:


Using Advanced Permalinks this is not a problem.


Full documentation can be found on the Advanced Permalinks Page page.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.