Create a nice and accessible accordion FAQ section with sliding Q/A.
Last updated
April 22, 2020
Active installations
AD Sliding FAQ

AD Sliding FAQ creates a custom post type in order to create your FAQ. Once your FAQ posts are created you can add the FAQ in a page or a post with a shortcode, or in a template with a function. This plugin has been created with accessibility in mind.


To display your FAQ use the shortcode [sliding_faq] in a page or a post. By default, the questions are wrapped inside a H2 HTML tag. If you want to have H3 instead, just add the attribute heading to the shortcode, for example: [sliding_faq heading='h3']. You can create different topics for your FAQ using the custom taxonomy FAQ Topics, this way you can display multiple FAQ. To do so, add the topic attribute to the shortcode with the name of your topic(s), for example: [sliding_faq topic='Accessibility, SEO']. You can of course use both attributes: [sliding_faq heading='h3' topic='Accessibility']. Featured images are now supported and the default size is ‘thumbnail’. You can choose other dimensions size with the ‘size’ attribute: [sliding_faq size='large']. The attribute will support thumbnail, medium, large and full or any custom size. (Note that you’ll have to customize the CSS if you want to display a large image.)


You can translate AD Sliding FAQ on


  • Turn the shortcode to a block
  • Add Widget Support
Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.