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Recording, editing, and conducting interviews
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Recording, editing, and conducting interviews

By now, you’ll have come up with an idea but how do you turn that idea into reality?

Let’s welcome Richard Midson who will be guiding you through the process of recording, editing and releasing a podcast to the public.

Video Transcript

Hello. I am Richard Midson. And firstly, I just want to say how excited I am to be joining you for this next module in the course, because I want to get you from those notes or those ideas that maybe you’ve got on a bit of paper or whether you put them on a computer, those ideas that you’ve written down, and I want to turn that, I want to help you turn that, into an audio file on your computer which you can distribute to podcast platforms. Now to do that, I’m going to show you the basics, the practical stuff on how to record and edit your podcast, but I also want to do a lot more than that.

Let me give you a little bit of my background, because I want to share this stuff that I’ve learnt over the years with you to help you make really great content. So little bit about me. I used to be a radio journalist before I worked for Automattic. I interviewed people from, like, celebrities to criminals. And I used to edit together radio packages which, in fact, went out to the whole of London in the United Kingdom.

I was also a news editor for the second largest news organization behind the BBC in the United Kingdom, in the radio division. We were distributing news to, like, 300 local radio stations. So we had to make great clips of audio and great content for them. I also presented the DriveTime program on a London-wide rolling news radio station as well. So, I had to deliver stuff often ad-libbed, which you might have to do in your podcast, that tries to engage people as well.

I’ve also been a YouTuber. I got 1.6 million views on my channel. That was a lot of fun. Also a podcaster. And as I say, I say all this because I want to share with you what I learnt during all that over these years to give you the lessons that frankly I wish that I’d known when I started doing them.

So, as well as telling you how to do this on a practical level, I’m also going to share as much as I can in the time we have together to not just help you make any content, but to make great content, right? Audio quality is important for sure, but so is what you say. You can have the best sounding, crystal clear audio coming out your headphones or your speakers. But if what you say is boring, no one’s going to listen to it. And I know there is a great story in what you’re going to be telling and what your guests are going to be telling as well.

Now if you joined us for the webinar earlier this year or saw that on YouTube perhaps, then you will know that we touched on a lot of different things very, very quickly. But we simply didn’t have time to go into the amount of detail I would like to go through and I’m now going to get this opportunity to go through with you. So, this is a really exciting opportunity for me to share all this extra stuff with you now in this module.

So, here is my aim for you in this module. By the end of it, my hope is that by the end you will have a test file, or even your first episode, recorded and edited and ready to start uploading to podcast platforms. So, I’m going to help you get the equipment that you need to get going. I’ll show you how to do interviews mostly remotely, but I’ll also talk about face-to-face interviews as well.

This is so that we can get underway as quickly as possible. I’ll show you how to edit in a way that engages people. And, as I say, on a practical level, how to get that file onto your computer, which you can share to iTunes or to Spotify or to wherever else you want to distribute your podcast to. So, we have a lot to get through. So, let’s get started in the next video.

Creating a content calendar

Getting equipped

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