Zero views after switching to new domain.

  • Hi everyone!

    I am an extremely new blogger. I noticed that my first three or four blog posts received several views and quite a few “likes,” with the most likes I received in one day being around 33 or so.

    I recently bought an “official” domain, but I’m still hosted under WordPress. Obviously, I used domain mapping so that all of my old blogs posts show up there.

    Today I posted my first new post since the domain change. I’ve had 0 views. What’s up with that? I have 40 tags! Is it because the “.wordpress” is missing from my domain?

    It’s frustrating. I thought that I was sort of building up some fans (even if they hadn’t subscribed) but now I guess no one is reading at all. haha. It’s actually quite discouraging.

    So, does your blog not show up in the wordpress search anymore if you buy your own domain?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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