Zero to Hero: Day Two

  • i have a title and tagline, so i’m looking for ideas for an about widget, has one of you worked on that already? @bandnamdcharlie i really like your about bloop :)

  • saschoolcraft · Member ·

    I just recently changed my name, but I loved the idea of adding an About” text widget, and I also redid my About Page based on yesterday’s assignment. It’s all here.

  • I already had a title, tagline and About page. I revisited the About page and made some small changes.

    The blog is in Dutch so the About page is also in Dutch. I wondered if it would be advisable to put in a page with the English translation for people that don’t speak Dutch, so that they have an idea of what this Blog is about. What do you think?


  • Had a title and tagline I was happy with, but added a text widget. Thanks for the tutorial! I never could have done this on my own!

  • Wow this was tougher then imagined. For a long time the title was just (in large part due to someone taking my actual name, Cylithria, and impostering it) but I’ve changed My title and put up and about widget.

    Yay for day 2. I think? :/

  • I had my title but have been messing around with my tagline for the last few days. Yesterday it was quite boring- ‘reading at home and in the classroom’- which I suppose is what I will be looking at but it just didn’t seem catchy and tagline enough so I’ve changed it to what was the title of my blog-post yesterday- ‘Teacher, reader, biscuit eater.’
    I found introducing myself in a small text widget difficult as I do tend to find being succinct difficult but I have had a go.

  • Hi, I am Alyssa! My friends call me Aichi (that’s my nickname). I have started blogging on wordpress last July. I was really inspired to start the blog after travelling to Paris. But I didn’t want to start a travelling blog since I don’t think I would be travelling that often. I just wanted to share my thoughts, interests and experiences. One of the hardest thing about starting the blog was giving it a name. At that point, I viewed life as a grand story awaiting to unfold. I also wanted to acknowledge that life in not perfect. I ended up calling my blog Aichi’s Adventures (and Misadventures). What do you think?

  • I had an page but I revisited it today and kind of changed it up a bit.

  • Running with the Bee theme….Too cheesy? I kind of like it, however I am drawing up a little blank for the text widget…Any suggestions, or keep what I have. I am going to think on it some more!

  • @jillianmartin — I used to dream of being famous. To be honest, the dream is still alive and well :P I want to make an impact.

    I was trying to think of J words… came up with Jillian’s Journey to Journalism … but I’m also a big “Journey” person. Your title doesn’t have to be clever or funny, just something that defines YOU! And, a title that is flexible is best… mine is all about law/law school so I have to hope my career doesn’t change :)

  • My blog’s title is Ana Lynn’s Adventures In Blogging, couple with a tagline of Sharing my adventures, ups and downs in the blogosphere. It may not be the wittiest title/tagline combo but it sums up pretty accurately what I want to achieve with this blog.

  • @speechadventures – I like your title and tag line… my cousin is in school for speech-language pathology so I’ll have to share your blog with her :)

    @ithabi thank you :) I can’t take complete credit for it, though, I had help from “Cherry On Top” designs a year ago.

    @waytoobasic I like what you came up with… seems like an interesting topic to blog about!

  • I started my blog at the end of October 2013. And I remember it took ages before i had a decent name for it. The tag-line changed several times… hell it even changed again after today’s challenge.

    So I also added a text widget in the left column just below the tag-line. that way the blog is explained in one reading. I didn’t ad a title to the text widget, in my opinion it would just interrupt the reading.

    While i was busy i immediatly change my about page… this way it matches more the introduction post for day #1 and the tag-line / text widget.

    Would be nice to read some feedbacks… :D

    Greets David.

    Good Old Raisins & Peanuts

  • I had a pretty hard time thinking up a name for my blog, but I eventually settled for this:, since I’m mainly talking about writing a diary with pen and paper. My tagline’s a bit long: “Anything and everything on chronicling your life with good ol’ pen and paper”

    And @nancyjohnstone, I love your blog name! It’s fun to say :-)

  • Back in 2011 when I started my blog it took me quite a while to come up with a blog name. And then one day while I was waiting at a bustop it came to me: Exploring Maybeland. For me, Maybeland is pretty much the Never Never Land of adults. A place full of adventures where anything is possible. Maybeland has somewhat become my new life philosophy. Instead of asking myself if I maybe should try this or do that, I just do it. And my blog is a document of that. As a tag line I chose “Imagine. Dream. Believe.” Because that’s really how easy it is to live life to the fullest.

  • Someone said yesterday that they liked my title, so I stuck with that and ran with the theme I created there, which was blank pages. I’ve got a widget written and set up, apparently, but I can’t figure out how to get it to display.

  • The title of my blog, Cogito Ergo Mum, came to me before anything else – before the ideas of what I wanted to write about and even before I knew I wanted to blog. It is the title that has provided the focus of the blog.

    I worked a lot on the tagline before Christmas. It took me ages to come up with – as long as any post I have ever written. It is so simple. But does it work? I don’t know what you think, but currently I quite like it.

    I added a widget of my Gravatar (I think!) rather then a text widget with a couple of lines about me.

    I am now quite pleased with these aspects of my blog, but I would love to know what you think. Here is my home page

  • Ok.. So after reading everyone’s Thought I have kept My “Name” The Same.. I truly love my name because it really is who I am.. “This is me.. for what it’s worth” As for my tag.. I realized it was too long.. Don;t even remember it now.. I think I am loving my New tag line.. “Random, Crazy, Mixed up thoughts…” Any thoughts.. as for the Widget to tell a brief about the blog.. I think it may be a little long.. Thoughts are always appreciated.. I am also excited as I changed my Theme!!! :) LOVE THE NEW LOOK FOR THE NEW YEAR!!!

    Thoughts will be appreciated!

  • Each blog name I came up with was already in use. It was painful trying to come up with a title that didn’t sound corny. My blog is about my allotment and in the end I went for ilovemyplot (now how corny is that!). My tagline is ramblings on allotment life.

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