Zero to Hero: Day Two

  • NOTE: Zero to Hero forum threads will close after five days. If you’re just starting out, welcome! Feel free to visit a more recent thread to say hello, ask questions, or seek feedback. Happy blogging!

    Welcome to Day Two, heroes-to-be!

    We loved reading all your intros yesterday. Today, you’ll draw from the writing and thinking you did yesterday, and revisit your title and tagline. You’ll also add an “About this Blog” widget to your home page, to give new readers a little more context.

    Check out the full details of today’s task here.

    Use this space as a place to ask questions and seek feedback from your fellow bloggers, or just to talk about blogging, why you’re here, and how your month is going.

    Note: please refrain from simply posting links to your blog unless you’re seeking feedback on something — this is a place for discussion. Give your posts the “zerotohero” tag to enable other participants to find you.

    Happy blogging!

  • Choosing a blog name has been the hardest thing for me. I’ve been using just my name (Jillian Martin @ because this blog was originally a professional portfolio as I tried to get a journalism job. Now that I’m applying for grad school for my MSW and am less interested in journalism, my blog is more personal (my life & my interests). I’m just not sure what to name it. If anyone could give me some suggestions or tips I would be so appreciative.

    My travel blog is called Letters from London because that’s where I studied abroad and the original purpose was strictly my study abroad experience. I also love alliteration. Now I update it whenever I travel out of the U.S. without my family.

  • Hey, all! I did this a while back but would still love feedback :) I have a sidebar widget that gives a small blurb on the right side of each page… at Journey Thru L.
    My title: Journey thru L
    Tag Line: “One day the world will know my name…”

  • @Jillianmartin – is there a specific topic you discuss a lot? I’ll check out your blog and see if anything jumps out!

  • @timethief, hmm, thanks. The URL/HTML is correct, so not sure what’s going kerflooey. Will investigate.

  • My blog title is a way of trying to say that being a bit of a geek defines me, and a play of cognito ergo sum.

    I have an “About” page for the site to try and put into a few words what my aim is when I chose the name and what I try to do with my blog:

    I do tend to change the tagline a lot as I see this as an indicator of what I am feeling at the time, and as a new father I think my current one is rather apt!

  • It took me forever to think of a blog name that would be more generic (since I blog about any number of topics) and I finally settled on The Great Gabsby ( know I know, word play using my name? Terribly original).

    I have no idea what tagline/blurb to go with it, though. How did you guys come up with your taglines/blurbs?


    Ok. Whether you enjoy pro wrestling, fiction stories or anything else in between you should check out my blog. It’s free.

    ”Mayer’s Stories Blog”, is the new name.
    What do you guys think?

  • I was already quite happy with my blog name and tag line, so I made an “About this Blog” page that summed up my introduction post.
    Check it out here

  • @mrchattaway, one of the great things about taglines is that you can be more flexible with them — you probably wouldn’t want to change your title regularly, but your can play with a tagline.

    @gabrialwqh, given that, try a few. See what you like. You can even poll your readers, and see what they respond to.

    Also, a good pun is always welcome :)

  • @bandnamdcharlie I really like your sidebar widget about me blurb! What made you pick your tagline?

    I’d like to think I blog about pop culture. Music on Twisted Mixtape Tuesdays, I did a November Madness thing with books based on Entertainment Weekly’s bracket. I’ve got at least 1 TV post with the hopes of doing more during the next season of Big Brother. But it feels more like a personal blog? If that makes sense…

  • My blog’s title (Basically Beyond Basic) is intended to show that my ordinary life takes things a step beyond normal and that it is actually really bizarre. I share some of my strangest stories on here!

    In December I created a post about why I purchased the domain and it technically answers the essential questions posed in Day 2 of Zero to Hero! Looking forward to the possibility of adding a widget now.

  • @gabrielwqh

    I have no idea what tagline/blurb to go with it, though. How did you guys come up with your taglines/blurbs?

    I am an experienced blogger so I’m aware that mile long taglines are useless “tat” when it comes to being indexed by search engines. If your tagline does not get indexed then there’s no point in creating one at all. Taglines are meant to distinguish you and your blog from other blogs. Yet I see people with religious blogs, for example, place a whole big whack of scripture as a Tagline – say what? That’s ineffectual. To cut to the chase my answer to your question is found in this post on my blogging tips blog.

    A Tagline is a short and memorable branding message that can be expressed as a subtitle. Taglines are meant to distinguish you and your blog from other blogs. Keywords in Taglines help define who the blog is for, and what’s in it for them if they stay and read the content so select them with care.

  • I chose the title ‘The pen speaks better’ for my blog because I’ve always felt that I communicate better through writing than talking. Also, my tagline says ‘Reflections of someone who is very attached to her pen’, because I am, in fact, quite attached to my pen. I have only one, and I prefer using a pen and a notebook instead of typing.

    So basically, my blog is all about what my pen says.

  • @michelleweber
    Thanks for fixing the link. I can access the second task now.

  • I changed my tag line just the other day, from ‘writing about the things that mean the most to me’ to ‘Writer. Author. Mother’. I felt that this says everything about me and what I do in three simple words,

  • @sree2894
    Take a look at what’s being indexed here:

    Note that is the blog title and tagline are too lengthy the latter will not be fully displayed. Yours combined are 76 characters in length.

  • My title is a combo on a play with words and inside joke. According to my mother in law, before I met my husband, they always joked about their home being “Lauria Land.” It was the place to go to hang out, relax, and feel at home. It was the house that everyone went to. I loved that idea so I decided to use that as my title. I plan on posting a bit of everything in my life so I made sure my tag line would reflect that: Love and Life…And Everything in Between. What I’m having a bit of a hard time with is my About Me Widget. I’ll keep working on it until I feel good about it.

  • I am a speech-language pathologist and app author (iPad). I created my blog to discuss things related to speech language pathologists and app reviews. So, my name is speech adventures and the tag line is speech-language therapy, technology, and humor.

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