Youtube videos no longer embedding at the end of blog posts

  • Emailed this as well, but I figured I’d double up with a post on the forums:

    I am very concerned about how youtube videos are showing up on my blog. When I place a link at the end of a post, instead of embedding the video, it only displays a clickable hyperlink. This was never a problem before about a week ago. I have over a thousand posts whose formatting now looks like this, and I really don’t want to go in and edit every single one.

    Youtube embedding seems to work fine when the video is not the last bit of code in the post, but if it’s the last thing posted, it doesn’t show up. I’m hoping that this is just a quirk that needs to be fixed on wordpress’s end, since it worked fine before.

    For comparison’s sake, here’s what I mean: (new post where I went to youtube and copied the full embed code)
    vs: (old post where I only have the youtube link, which embedded just fine until a week or so ago)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Just FYI, I confirmed that adding any bit of text after the embedded video (even just one character/symbol) fixes this issue. But like I said, I really don’t want to have to do this for over 1,000 posts….

  • Thanks for sharing. This thread is tagged for Staff to take note of your feedback on how you resolved the issue.

  • No problem, except it’s not really resolved. Videos should embed without having to add text below them. There wasn’t a problem with this until about a week ago.

  • I apologize and do agree that this is not resolved. You’re welcome and thanks for your patience while waiting for Staff to respond here.

  • Hi there,

    It looks like you’ve uncovered a bug. I’ve reported it to our developers so they can take a look. I’ll let you know once I hear back about this.

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