YouTube (embeds)

  • Is it possible to embed YouTube vids into posts, I have tried but it does not seem to work. Also, where is the search on this forum??

  • Well, after a bit of googling I see it is not possible at the moment. Oh well, back to Blogger I go…

  • can anyone explain why this worked previously and not now? embedding youtube videos worked like a charm before, and indeed, it’s become crucial to my band’s blog. why do you have these features seduce us and then take them away?
    as another poster (vidness) stated, blogger has no problems with these, offers 300megs of image uploads, and i can hang a nice tag cloud in the side bar. too bad, i was really getting into wordpress..

  • Billkiller’s videos work a treat, I take it this is because they are legacy and placed in before WordPress filtered out <object> tags.

    I hope WP can keep up, I like the interface and categories etc. but seriously WP seems to lack in some essential areas, what about customisable templates or Adsense??

  • thanks vidness.. sheesh a legacy already.
    ditto, liking the whole WP vibe as opposed to editing a template everytime one needs a new link etc in blogger. oh well, back to the html drawing board.
    (cheers for the redstate update btw)

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