Youtube Embed Not Working

  • When I try to embed YouTube videos using html or the link, I have not been successful. With YouTube, it just says that the link cannot be embedded, and with html, I can see the video when I click “edit visually,” but the video goes away once I publish the page. Is there a way around this issue? I’ve had this problem with any YouTube link I’ve used

  • Hi there!

    Could you share the link to the page/post where we can see the YouTube embed that’s not working? If the link isn’t showing up on the page either, please share the YouTube link as well so that we can try it on our end.


  • It’s possible the owner of that video disabled embedding,

  • @ky275, for what it’s worth, I don’t see any sites on your account. Are you using our hosting? If you’re using your own copy of WordPress with another host, I’d recommend looking into possible plugin conflicts if the video embeds in the editor but not on the site.

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