Your new gravatar maker is broken

  • I see that you just introduced a new system for creating the gravatars used on our blogs. Please don’t do that. When you have a system that works just fine, replacing it with something new just for the sake of having something new is the beginning of endless, pointless headaches for your users. That’s exactly what happened, just now.

    Having uploaded the photo I want to make my avatar from, I see this

    Crop your photo using the dotted box below

    and a collection of buttons that weren’t there the last time I looked. Back when I would have created my gravatar, had I known what the developers were about to pull, and skipped catching up on sleep.

    No dotted box appears. There is no way for me to proceed, at least not in Firefox.

    Could we skip past the part where you clutch at straws, trying to find some excuse to pin the blame for this on the user, and ahead to the part where you actually do your job and fix something? Because that would be awesome. Thanks.

  • Before you asked. yes, I did got to

    and attempt to create a gravatar, there. There, I was greeted by something that looked like your old gravatar maker (you know, the one that worked), but when I tried using it, I got this message.

    “Hmm, your new profile photo was not saved. Please try uploading again.”

    I did. Repeatedly. Same result.

    Looks like one of your developers thought it would be a good idea to remove the old software before making sure that the new software worked. Not good.

  • And finally something shows up, hours later.

  • A day later, to be more accurate.

  • Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    It sounds like this perhaps could have been a caching issue, which can take up to 24 hours to update.

    We have this guide here on how to clear the browser cache:

    The internet service provider also does caching, and this can also take up to 24 hours to clear also.

    I hope this information helps.

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