You are not allowed to update this post error

  • Thanks mabelamber.

    Curiously too, are you always using a browser for this? I’m wondering if your workflow might work best with the app instead, since browsers may have a bit of a harder time “holding on” to your login, depending on your settings.

  • Hello Supernovia,

    The app…. my immediate association is: smartphone/tablet.
    If those are the devices you are alluding to then…. I am wondering: how could I type long stretches of text…. on the tiny screen of a smartphone or a tablet (still relatively small), without going nuts :)) ?

    (Apart from that: I avoid using my smartphone like the plague; only for strictly necessary calls (or if someone has the audacity to call me, lol) will I whip it out of my purse.)

    I touch type with ten fingers and quite fast on the keyboard of my laptop, so yes, using a browser.

    If my understanding is wrong, and you are not alluding to the mentioned devices, then can you clarify? Is there some other app that I would not know of? (which is very possible).

    Oh, very important: since I cleared my WP cookies, the error has not reared its ugly head.

  • Besides the mobile apps, we also have a great desktop app you might want to try:

  • Good eveing Macmanx,

    Aha, I did indeed not know of it. I shall download it, and try it out, coming weekend.

    Thank you for the tip. Naturally I’ll report back here!


    Mabel A.

  • Hello macmanx,

    Well, the meeting with the desktop app you linked to was not a very pleasant one.

    I downloaded it, I opened it, I was instructed to login, which I did, then I clicked on WP- admin in the sidebar, then I had to log in AGAIN, and then I got this “Oops, not the right password”, message, but it WAS the correct PW, I could see, because I opened the eye at far right.
    I am not prepared to waste my precious time educating this app. I shall just continue to access my WP blog through my browser. The “You are not allowed etc.” error has completely gone, so as far as I am concerned all is well.

    Thanks again, have a great week!

    Mabel Amber

  • Hi Mabel,

    I’m sorry to hear you had trouble using the app, but I’m glad that the error seems to be gone from your editor.
    Let us know if it comes back in the future.

  • Good afternoon fresatomica,

    Thank you for coming back to me.

    If the “Not allowed etc” error decides to bother me again ;-) I shall post in this thread.

    Thanks again for taking care of my case – have a great week!

    Mabel Amber

  • Hi there,

    Sure, you can comment in this thread and we’ll be notified.

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