You are not allowed to update this post error

  • Hello all,

    WHAT is going on here???

    I create a post in the block editor, my first post in this new thing. Now I edited my post, and I click on “update” at the top. then I get this huge warning in pink, across the top of the editor, saying I am “not allowed” to update my post!!!!

    Can someone explain this insanity please?

    Thank you in advance,

    Mabel Amber

  • Okay, I managed to figure it out. You need to go back to “All posts”, then notice the three dots in the post bar, at far right, click on that and it says “Edit” at the top of the menu and THEN you are “allowed” to edit the post in the editor.

    Well, I find the term “allowed” in this context rather silly. I mean, imagine, you let yourself in your home with your key, then you want to move a piece of furniture out of the way and someone steps into the room and says “Hey, you are not allowed to move that piece of furniture!”.

    Oh well.

  • Hi Mabel,

    We have been tracking the issue you are experiencing for some time already. In fact, it was fixed, but we have seen a couple of reports lately so it’s possible that something is going on again.

    Clearing the browser’s cache and cookies seems to help though. Could you try it out and let us know if you still see this error message when in the Block Editor? You can find here more information on how to clear the cache depending on your browser:

  • Good afternoon Fresatomica,

    Thank you for responding!

    I cleared my browser cache, but not my cookies, because I then would have log in on all my accounts again and that is a pain.

    Anyway, I typed some sentences in the editor, hit “Update” and the said error message did not appear. So seems to be fixed.

    Many thanks, have a nice Easter Monday, what is left of it!

    Mabel amber

  • Hello Fresatomica,

    I replied to you extensively. But now another error…. my response here was NOT submitted.

  • Try again:

    Hello Fresatomica,

    Thank you for your response.

    I cleared my cache, but NOT my cookies because then I would need to log in again on ALL my accounts (Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Pixabay etc.) and that would be a pain.

    Anyway, I edited my most recent post in the block editor (the Classic editor seems to have been retired permanently, so WP broke their promise there, to leave it up and running all through 2021…) and I did not get the error when I hit “Update”.
    So far so good.

    Thank you, I wish you a happy Easter Monday :)

    Mabel Amber

  • Looks like we have some bad luck with caching today; I think you have not seen your first reply because it was cached 🙈.

    Anyways, your comment is here; your editor seems to be working correctly – let’s hope all keeps this way :).

    If you need more help, you know where to find us.

  • Ah, there it is!

    Yes, hopefully things keep running smoothly ;-)

    Thank you again!


    Mabel Amber

  • Hell fresatomica,

    This very annoying error is back again. I cannot properly keep up my blog this way, having to highlight and save my text, to then go back to all posts and click on the “edit” icon under the more menu, then paste the saved text into the editor.

    Hopefully this bug will be squashed. Am I the only one by the way?

    Thank you!


  • Oops, I meant “hello” of course, certainly not “hell” ;-)

  • Oof, sorry to hear it, Mabel. Let’s see if we can figure this out.

    – What is the exact error? We had one once that said, for example, “Updating failed. Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post” and I’m wondering if this is related.

    – From the time you open the editor to the time you see this error, do you know about how much time has passed?

    – Do you leave the editor open but inactive (like while you’re away from the keyboard or doing other things) ?

    Also, I’m with you on not clearing your cookies. If you don’t mind clearing your cookie though and re-logging in, that’d be good. Let me know which browser you use and I can find instructions if you need that.

  • Hello Supernovia,

    Thank you so much for popping in!

    Quote: “Updating failed. Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post” YES, that’s the culprit!

    Question: – “From the time you open the editor to the time etc,”

    Well, it happens too randomly to be able to set an “error schedule” so to speak. Like, I am typing and suddenly…. it’s there, yet I had not even hit “update”, it behaves like an uninvited guest, disrupting the party.

    Question: – “Do you leave the editor open but inactive etc.”

    Yes, all the time. That is my usual and preferred workflow: for instance I do chores in the kitchen, some lines come to me, I hasten to my laptop and go to the still open editor to type down what is in my head.

    I know how to clear cookies on all browsers. My preferred browser, where I am logged in to all my accounts, is Vivaldi, which, although not a Chrome clone, there is a strong similarity, the difference is mainly cosmetic.

    I shall log out of WP, clear cookies and log back, then resume creating my blog post. Naturally I shall report back here.

  • Okay, so now I am scared to clear my cookies for WP.

    I might run into trouble, perhaps I cannot log in anymore, perhaps nothing will work. Besides I don’t know which cookies to clear exactly.

    I see this list:

    .public api (preceded by icon of a blank page) (preceded by icon of a blank page) (????????) (preceded by icon of a blank page) (preceded by my avatar) (preceded by the WP logo) (preceded by an icon of a blank page)

    What do I do? Which to click for removal?

  • For that, please clear any cookies ending in and

    If you’re concerned about not being able to login again, I recommend changing your password first at so that you know what your password currently is.

  • Hello macmanx,

    Quote: “I recommend changing your password first at so that you know what your password currently is.”

    But I know exactly what my password is, I have it written down on my password list…. I am simply scared that <b>Wordpress</b> will not “know” my password after I cleared cookies.

  • The password is stored on our end, not in your cookie. The only thing the cookie stores is whether you’re logged in or not.

    If you know your password, it’s safe to clear the cookie.

  • Okay, I shall give it a go then, so that will mean clearing ALL the cookies listed (and also the ones I posted here in my earlier comment).

  • Oh wait, do I clear the cookies BEFORE or AFTER I log out?

  • After logging out, please.

  • Good morning macmanx,

    Thank you.

    I shall give it a go, then work in the editor and see what happens, and report back here.

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