Yoast SEO New Version Make My Website Go Blank!

  • Hello,

    I saw a new update from Yoast SEO ver. After I click update, my wordpress back office goes blank as well as my website.

    I tried on my other website and it happened the same. I tested and the reason is the Yoast Plugin, not other plugin.

    My question is did anyone get the same problem after updating Yoast SEO Ver. ?

    Any help would be appreciated

    Best regards


  • This forum is dedicated for WordPress.com help, Which do not allow using of plugin because all what you will need from plugins is mostly here.

    If you want help for the Self-Hosted wordpress: http://wordpress.org/support

    If you want help to have a higher chance to be replied by developers: http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wordpress-seo

    However, My friends told me that the latest version of this plugin brokes the website and others told me that it breaks the blog title, It may be a problem from the plugin and the theme you use.

  • I searched for you about support, Yoast (The plugin developer) says that you may get help better on GitHub by reporting the bug: https://github.com/Yoast/wordpress-seo/

    I saw that files are updated by one of the developers from 13 minutes.

  • Last week I saw a few updates (1-2/day) from 1.5 to 1.5.1 then 1.5.2 and All I can say is there is a real big problem with this plugin. Some of my website didn’t show the homepage on Google search results. All I did was uploaded the older version 1.4.25. Yoast should test his plugin carefully, this was a pain to me.

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