Yesterday & today’s posts suddenly showing up in Comments RSS feeds…

  • Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that this morning people’s posts that were posted earlier today or last night are suddenly showing up in their Comments RSS feeds…?

    Not comments, mind you. These are posts, so far all posted earlier this morning or last night and yesterday. Posts that have already appeared (as posts) in my feed reader, earlier today or even last night and yesterday.

    I am subscribed to the Comments feeds for almost all the WordPress blogs I’ve subscribed to, and for about the last two hours, I keep popping up with new additions to the Comments feeds… but all of them (so far) have been previously posted posts.

    I checked on a couple of the blogs in question and nothing unusual going on there with their comments.

    But it has occurred today with every single WordPress blog that I’m also subscribed to the Comments for (including my own blog) for a total of a dozen – one is a blog and the other eleven are

    Just started maybe about an hour and a half or two hours ago. I use SharpReader for a feed reader… but I kinda don’t think that’s the problem…

  • Yup, I see it as well. I would suggest sending in a feedback and letting staff know that there’s an issue.

  • We are on the case.

  • Great, thanks! By the way, I probably should correct something I said earlier – it’s not happening with the blog I mentioned earlier, jut the blogs. Thought it was, but it’s not. Thanks again!

  • Noticed this today. Now, my comments feed appears fine. Just have to wait for FeedBurner to catch up. ;)

    Thanks for resolving the problem. :)

  • Another good page to keep bookmarked.

    Thanks drmike! :)

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