WYSIWYG Editor has gone

  • The folks at siteground.com who host my wordpress blog have been unable to get the post editor to behave in a WYSIWYG manner. The editor used to do that with icons for text formatting inserting images and so on – but now all the icons have gone and the mnemonics just add html tags inline with my text.

    They have completely re-installed the wordpress scripts and re-attached my databases – but to no avail.

    I know this is not really your problem – but they seem to be just struggling on in their world instead of asking the experts…. can you shed any light on this type of error ?

  • Best bet would be to read the Read me first before posting and then head over to the right site. If you’re not hosted here at wp.com, than you’re running different software than we are and our answers would be different.

    Good luck,

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