Wu Wei comment bubble disappeared?

  • Where did the comment bubble on my blog go?

    I’m using Wu Wei and there was this really cute little bubble graphic behind the number of comments. Just noticed it disappeared.

    I’m looking at the code, thinking maybe the color got changed to match the background. I can only change the color of the number that would be in the bubble.

    I went back to my original stylesheet and I still don’t have it, had to look at another Wu Wei blog to make sure I’m not delusional about it’s disappearance. This other blog still has it: http://newmediaubc.wordpress.com/

    Just started editing the CSS on my site http://shanmcf.com/ today, I’ve done nothing but change a few colors. I’m teaching myself and learning as I go here!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Do NOT put the entire stylesheet into the CSS edit window. That breaks all relative image links in the CSS and all the little bubbles and such disappear.

    Put ONLY the specific selectors, and ONLY the specific declarations that you are adding or changing into the CSS edit window and make sure that “add to existing… is selected before saving or previewing.

  • @shanmcf, the caps in my above post were for emphasis. I wasn’t yelling. :-)

  • So how do I go back to the original stylesheet?

  • And no worries. I can understand newbies like me are a bit annoying with our self-made problems, but I’d be a little concerned if anyone was so enraged by an easily-answered question on a help forum!

    I just took a break from trying to fix it and wrote a post about the bubble, if you’re interested.


  • First off, copy out all the CSS in the CSS edit window and paste it into a plain text file for reference. Delete everything from the CSS edit window so that it is blank. Make sure that “add to existing…” is selected and then click save stylesheet. That will return you to the original stylesheet. You might have to force refresh the blog page to get the CSS to reload with the original. Some browsers will hang onto cached pages tenaciously.

  • Ok it worked. I have the bubble back. And editing CSS the right way is muuuuch easier. Thanks thesacredpath!

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