Writing Problem

  • When I write a post after every line there is an extra break, When I post something it looks like this:
    blah blah

    blah blah

    blah blah

    would like to remove that extra break
    have no idea how to do that
    hope some1 can help, thanx

  • How are you writing your text? Are you writing it on something like Word and copying and pasting it in?

    Which text editor are you using? The normal one or the rich text editor?

    Are you putting in those <br />‘s in there yourself at teh end of each line? (I’m guess that that’s a no on that one but I wanted to make sure.)

  • thanx for ur reply
    I’m writing the post in the write option of the dashboard of wordpress

    when I use the Edit Html Source there it looks like below but without the breaks in it
    < p>blah blah < /p>
    < p>blah blah < /p>
    < p>blah&nbsp ;

    Are you putting in those ‘s in there yourself at teh end of each line?
    Nope I dont
    I type blah and then I give an enter

  • Actually I stand corrected.

    It’s an optical illusion because of the short lines.

    To see it, open up this post and the post that you mention and place the browser windows side by side. You’ll note that the distances between lines are the same. Heck, here’s a screen capture.

    I was going to suggest a different theme but it appears to be the same on the theme I use as well.

    You might want to try the other editor as you would have greater control over your text. To turn off the rich text editor to give it a try, it’s at Dashboard -> Users -> Your Profile -> Unclick the box and save it.

  • I have made a new post with what I mean
    the 1st part is what I get when I post blah and give an enter, the second part is a copy of an other post I made
    Would like to get of rid that extra break in the 1st part

    When I use the other editor the problem is gone
    So I’m gonna use that, thanx

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