WP.org make-money-blogging scammers spamming blogs with fake "follows"

  • Is there anything that I can do about make money blogging scammers with WP.org blogs who are using their gravatar profiles to spam my blog and many other random completely unrelated blogs with fake “follows”?

    Their gravatar is full of spam links, but I can no longer report any gravatars for spam activity, and this is an OBVIOUS and BLATANT spammer who is abusing the gravatar system to spam and scam unsuspecting people.

    Is there anything that can be done about these scammers? It seems they have discovered a loophole and are using it to exploit the system to spam people with fake “follows”, and there doesn’t seem to be anything that can currently be done about this problem.

    Please help.

    Thank you very much for your help in advance, I really appreciate it.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I would also like help with this as all my new followers over the last few days are part of this ‘make money blogging’ scam, I don’t know if there are any implications for me but I feel very vulnerable while I am being blatantly used as a vehicle for their operation. I hugely value my genuine followers, and being able to assess how and why I am building my audience, and this new trend has put a sour taste into the whole processor audience- building. Help anyone? Can they be blocked, deterred, anything??

  • There have been lots of threads in these forums on this problem. It comes down to “No, there is nothing to be done…”

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