WP – Twitter – Profile issue

  • I publish my posts on WP.com and have them linked to automatically re-post on my Twitter and Facebook to cut down on admin. Easy enough.

    However, when I look at my Twitter profile these posts are not visible on my phone but have been posted in the timeline. I check the Twitter desktop and the post is visible on my profile page.

    However, if I uninstall the twitter app from my phone and reinstall the post appears on my page again. No issue with Facebook. Seems odd?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Not sure what phone you are using, but I notice my twitter app even though it displays seemingly clearly enough; I have to refresh the ‘page’ with my phone app (I have a samsung) otherwise it’s still only showing tweets from a week ago… (I don’t tweet often)

  • Thanks for the response and pointer. I use a Sony Z1 Compact. I can’t see an obvious refresh option. I’ll keep searching.

  • Not sure about a ‘sonyz1…’ but to refresh the page most smartphones, have a ‘settings’ on any page you’re on, also my phone ‘refreshes’ the page you’re on when you simply ‘drag down’ briefly but quickly

  • you’re welcome and I hope it sorts out for you :)

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