WP Forms .xyz and .ru spam emails

  • Okay so I have WP forms, I have Recaptcha and the Honeypot activated but I will still get 8-10 emails a day or sometimes more from emails that are .xyz and .ru and its either Russian spam or trying to sell me viagra or whatever; what can I do to blacklist and prevent these?

    Since there’s no solid domain to these or an @ sign, I don’t want to blacklist ‘.ru’ in case it’s in someone’s email address, but this spam is getting too much and its affecting my business. My website is SucculentScribbles.com is there anything I can do to stop this spam? I also get comments as well (mainly from the .xyz) and those are manageable but it’s still VERY annoying.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    This forum is for sites hosted with WordPress .com

    Your site is using hosting with WordPress .org

    Your site hosting information can be seen at this link.


    Please use the wordpress.org forum for help.

    You will need to create an account there to be able to use that forum.


    If you want to know the differences between .com and .org please read this document.


    Your hosting provider’s support may also be able to help.

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