wp.com site suddenly says “This project was done yesterday.” on all new pages

  • Desperate for help on this mystery: I have a wordpress.com site with Sketch theme. Suddenly whenever I copy any page or create a new one I get a sentence in upper right corner (upon publishing or previewing) that says “This project was done yesterday.” I never added this to any code or page. Could the site be corrupt, have been hacked or have a virus? Trying to reach WordPress support, but only have free site with only CSS addon. Any thoughts?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Could you share a link to the page where we can see the issue? I checked and didn’t see the text anywhere. Perhaps I wasn’t looking at the right place.


  • Yes – here are two example pages:



    You’ll see the mysterious text in upper right corner of both. One page was created as a copy of another page. The other was newly created (with no content except a title). All new pages and copied pages now have this problem. Older pages created in the past do not. Really hope you can help fix this! Thanks so much.

  • Thank you for the links! It looks like this is an old “Text Widget” on your site in the sidebar of some pages.

    Here’s how to get to your saved Widgets. From your dashboard area, scroll down and look along the left for “Appearance.” Within that menu is you will see “Widgets” – click on widgets.

    At the top you should see that text within a widget, “This project was done yesterday.” If you click on that widget you will see that you can edit or remove the widget if you would like.

    Here’s more about what that widgets area is and how to manage widgets: https://wordpress.com/support/widgets/

    This should give you everything you need to know to manage this item. If you have more questions about this specifically, let us know. :)

  • Thank you so much! That was it.


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