WP-admin not working

  • Hello,

    I tried a lot of things tonight (i mean in the night) to get wp admin work again due to a domain change. It worked perfectly until midnight last night, and i can’t get it back on ! Now i can’t connect with my credentials anymore

    I did see a LOT of subject about that, and did this :
    – Modify wp-config (hardcode)
    – Modify the db (implementing new admins, but it doesn’t work)
    – Deactivate plugins from DB
    – Refreshing DB (with an old save)
    – contacting my OVH support (they know it comes from the website, they don’t want to take care of it)

    So the whole website work but wp admin doen’t work with my old credential, and i can’t create admin… plz help

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Your site is not hosted by us (WordPress.com). It is using the open-source WordPress software and it is hosted by OVH. Therefore, you need to contact them regarding your issue.

    We’re only able to provide support for WordPress websites that are hosted by us. For help with your site you can also ask over at the WordPress.org forums:

    If you want to know more about the differences between WordPress.com and the open-source WordPress software you can read this article: https://en.support.wordpress.com/com-vs-org/

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