Would like to add a white background to my posts

  • Hello!

    I got a problem with my theme. The front page is nice but my blogposts have a transparent background, is there any way to change that? I cant find anything in the normal customizations and anything i change in the CSS wont do anything to the blog.

    If i could get some help with this i would be gratefull! :)

    Emil Pettersson

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello!

    You can try using some CSS to change the content area’s background color. I tried this code on your site and it was able to change it to white:

    #content {background-color: white;}

    Hope that helps!


  • Thanks!

    This was exactly the thing I was looking for!

    I can’t thank you enough :)

    – Emil

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