World Clocks

  • I thought it would be cute to add a clock showing Hungarian time to my cultural website. This URL: claims to have code for wordpress. However, when I copied and pasted into my text box (sidebar widgets), and then saved, it changed the code and erased some of the data so that it did not work. All I saw on my site was code and the words “Budapest” under the code. Why is this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You did not post the code – but it was probably intended for a WordPress.ORG software install and some code is stripped out on WordPress.COM for security reasons.

    Add Code to Your Site

    You need to find a plain html clock (there might be other workaround, but I can’t remember)

    Check here they might have more help:

  • I did post the code but I deleted it when I saw that it didn’t work.

    Time theif, the website you sent me to was a bunch of people talking. I am not reading 5 pages of gobbledygook to get an answer.

    Why can’t answers just be that, why are there always more things to read that don’t answer my question?

  • There are no dynamic clock codes we can just paste it into a text widget and have them work on blogs. This is because the use of code (JavaScript, iframes) is restricted here to preserve security on this multiuser blogging platform and the software will strip the code out.

    So we Volunteers have two choices:
    (1) We can state > I’m sorry but this is a no can do on blogs.
    (2) Or we can point to a workaround which will result in an operational clock.

    The only workarounds we have for those who want operational clocks on blogs are found in the blog I pointed to. There the blogger can provide a gigya code for an operational clock.

  • Thank you! Why is it so hard for you kids to answer a question? I just don’t understand why the website said it could used on WordPress if it can’t. But I will be writing to their techteam and giving them timethief’s reply.

  • There are TWO types of WordPress – WordPress.COM (here) and WordPress.ORG the keepers of the WordPress software.

    For more on the difference:

  • There are two types of wordpress blogs. Those hosted here that have restrictions and those that are self-hosted on third-party hosting services such as godaddy, blue host, etc. What you are seeing out there works on self-hosted blogs, NOT here.

    Just buy yourself a domain name, hire a web host, install and configure the wordpress software, transfer your content from here to the new blog and you can install all the blinking fun balls you want. Figure an average overall cost of between $10 and $25 per month to have your clock.

    And by the way, those codes and such that Panos has on his site for the clocks? They all work.

    Some things cannot be answered in 5 words or less.

  • 5 words or less? Is there a limit on your answers here? I wasn’t aware.

  • Nope, I can put in 1000 word answers if necessary, or I can do something like this.

    See here:

  • Yes but all that does it talk about changing codes which I cannot do. I was looking for something simple – like go to this website and cut and paste.

    Also, I notice that when I login to leave a reply here, it goes to my blog not here. Then I have to go back to my email, click on the post and come into WP a 2nd time. There are so many glitches with this website. I know it is the best but it seems that changes could be made. If this many people are asking about clocks, than why doesn’t WP just add a widget for a world clock? This would alleviate the problem for those who do not understand code. If WP created it, than there would be no concerns about security.

    And I am unemployed right now so paying for anything is out of the question.

  • Oh and by the way, that is the clock you wanted at the very bottom of the sidebar set to Honolulu time.

  • I’ll set up the code for you. I need to know the colors you want and also the time zone you want it set to.

  • Really!? Wow! Thanks. I just want a clock that shows the time in Hungary for our cultural association website I am building here on WP. A Black clock is fine. I just looked at the all the kings horses but I didn’t know what to do with the page, so thanks!

  • I was looking for something simple – like go to this website and cut and paste.

    That’s exactly what thesacredpath did. He went here > He copied the code provided. He pasted it into a text widget on his test blog here. >

    He did that 5 times as we can see 5 clocks in that blog. You can do the same. ‘Alleluia! You can have a clock. Case closed.

  • Put a text widget into your sidebar and paste the following code into the larger text area in the widget and then click “save.”

    <div style="text-align:center;">[gigya src="" width="200" height="200" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ]
    <p style="text-align:center;">Hungary</p></div>

    Then you can position the text widget in the sidebar where you want it by drag and drop.

  • I guess I must be really stupid because all I see are photos of clocks. I don’t see any code to cut and paste. The first URL (wpbtips) goes to a page of people talking and I did click on the pages with clock codes (at first I thought the pages were just more of people talking) but none of them were World Clocks that you could change for the country you want. You just don’t realize that not all of us were born with a computer. I am 48 years old. I started with a typewriter. I will stick with sacredpath’s comments because he seems to have the answers I am looking for.

    Thank you everyone.

  • The code is in the reply right in this thread right above yours in the grey box.

  • Sacred Path you are a genius! It didn’t fit completely in the sidebar but enough that it makes sense. Thank you very much!!!

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