Words underlined in BLUE- linking to websites/ads – that are random in content

  • I need help…I can’t get this off of my site…see e-mail string below. Basicly there are words showing up in my content..that are underlined and blue…not created by me….and are linked to websites and ads. Not very professional on my site….

    Notes: MORE issues…very concerned!! Need you to email (email visible only to moderators and staff) ASAP.
    Between the ads that I didn’t realize where going to happen and was this was a very big negative for my new site…and didn’t look very professional…and now this.
    1) I have words that are randomly selected in my content that are underlined in blue (not by me) and they are a link that go out to other websites and some that are really not appropriate at all for a business site. Please explain why this is happening and how I can fix it. They also are not the same words all the time.
    Here are some examples of the words doing this. And my sister cleaned her computer and it is still happening.

    Create Legacy
    Estate planning
    Discover gift pages
    What is life coaching
    work phone
    The phone gifts
    Meet Marcia
    Human resource
    Life …
    Human resources
    There are MANY more…here are some screen shots.

    2) Worst part is…I can’t see these from my computer…just like the ads. Other people discovered them and reported them. My designer nor myself as administrators could see them.
    3) I will attach some screen shots for you.
    PLEASE ADVISE ASAP! This is impacting my business image and impression of my work.
    It would be great if you could call me at ….. right away.
    Thanks so much.
    Marcia Clark
    —–Original Message—–
    From: Jon – WordPress.com [mailto:help@wordpress.com]
    Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 10:03 AM
    To: (email visible only to moderators and staff)
    Subject: [#1194965]: inappropriate embedded youtube videos :(

    > my blog: coachingbyclark.com is showing embedded (and inappropriate)
    > youtube videos :(
    > some people are seeing them when browsing the site and others aren’t…
    > please help right away! we paid an extra $50 for the debut theme :(
    > this shouldn’t be happening!

    Hi Marcia
    I’m sorry for your experience. Without a screen-grab, I’m not 100% sure but I believe this is a video advertisement. Are you aware that WordPress.com runs advertisements? Are you also aware that there is a no-ads upgrade? Also, you indicate that the video is inappropriate. Is it inappropriate because you didn’t expect it there or was there something about the content that is inappropriate?

    Thanks, Jon
    Jon B.
    Ads Lead
    WordPress.com | Automattic

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The website is coachingbyclark.com NOT armoniadispirito that is having the challenge..Thanks.

  • WordPress.com has been running advertising on our free hosted blogs since 2006. Many bloggers do not know this because despite the fact they ticked the box required to get a free blog, they did not read the ToS. Many also do not read features page, or advertising entry in the support documents after registering their username and blog(s). Also note that as the ads do not display to us when we are logged in, and as many use browsers with ad blockers when logged out, they may not realize they are there at all. The only way to get rid of all advertising on our free hosted WordPress.com blogs is to purchase an annually renewable No-Ads upgrade.

  • If you feel an ad is inappropriate please take a screenshot of it and send it to Staff by emailing support@wordpress.com or upload it into your Media Library

  • Thanks so much for your responses. I did purchase the “no ads” and this is still happening in my content and I can’t get a response from Support. The issue now is Blue underlined words..that I didn’t underline…and are creating ads. Yes, it is real hard to trouble shoot your own site when you can’t see what is going on.

    I also sent them screen shots.

    Thanks for all the help…
    Any advice on how to “break through” to Support?

  • I have flagged this thread for Staff attention and can do no more that that. Please be patient while waiting for a response.

  • Thank you so much!! I will try and be patient…but this has a big impact on my business and impression of my clients. This is a new website and is circulating quickly so I don’t want inappropriate ads, etc. to be displayed. I SO APPRECIATE your help!!!! Have a great day!

  • We have paid for the NO ADS upgrade for the Coaching by Clark site…
    not for the Armonia di Spirito blog.

    We are referring to the Coaching by Clark site: http://coachingbyclark.com/


    The upgrade has been paid for…there should be no highlighted blue hyperlink words to ads. Again, I can send you a screenshot of the blue hyperlinks

    I can email you a screenshot if you send me an email address.

    Thanks and please update me ASAP!

  • Grab a screen shot or three and save them to your media library then you can refer the staff to the screen shots – that will reduce the confusion.

  • @auxclass

    uploaded three screen shots to my Life Coaching with Marcia Clark media library with blue hyperlinked words clearly visable:

    screen shots of ads – 1, screen shots of ads – 2 and screen shots of ads – 3

    please update asap…I’ve paid for the upgrade and am really upset that ads are STILL APPEARING on my site

    thanks for you prompt reply

  • Usually this sort of thing is down to a browser add-on or plugin; what browser are you using? Do the links show up in other browsers? Do they show up when add-ons or plugins are disabled?

  • We don’t run ads like that.

    As mentioned by Wank, try disabling all of your browser add-ons or extensions.

  • @wank…multiple browsers are showing these hyperlinked words

    would you like me to find out specifically WHICH ONES?

    also, can you please tell me how to disable add-ins/plugins so we can check?

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