WordPress.org Envy — Better Stats

  • The WordPress.com stats are probably the most used part of my dashboard… but they don’t tell me a heck of a lot.

    Here’s a stats package (that we can’t use with WordPress.com) that shows what is possible.

    Check out the additional features:
    – browser / operating system breakdown
    – countries
    – the hits table that shows you per hit live stats and you can filter on them

    One thing that FireStats is missing that I would love to see is a detailed list of “internal referrers” — the pages where people come to my blog and click on more than one page.

    i think it would be enlightening

  • Yeah, this is great. Current WP.com stats tell you about visits, but nothing about visitors, which is arguably much more informative. I’ve added in StatCounter to get a better idea of these sorts of stats, but it would be awesome to have something more extensive right on the dashboard.

  • Wow yeah certainly a good idea. What is this StatCounter you speak of? The no javascript thing has halted all my stat counter attempts so far.

  • Try sitemeter.com or statcounter.com. Do not use the javascript versions, just use the HTML versions.

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