wordpress with websites

  • hi,

    so not only am i new to wordpress, im also new to creating / managing my own website! aye ya…

    so i’ll start off with a very basic question.

    i want my website to be a normal website with a blogs section.

    can i have wordpress exist only for the blog section of the site, or will it take over the whole site as i have seen so many blogsites do…..

    essentially, when you click on “blogs”, it’ll take you to the blogs page where it will look like the familiar wordpress layout and what not.

    please let me know.

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  • You can set a page as your front page. It’s in Options-Reading from the dashboard. You’ll still end up with your side bars if your theme has them.

  • The software we work on at wordpress.com is completely different from the software found in wordpress.com blogs. You have a blog here at wordpress.com and not a website. And you can download a free blog template from wordpress.org for use on your website.
    If you intend to self host a blog then you will be downloading from http://wordpress.org and you should read the pink sticky post at the head of the forum titled “please read me first before posting to the forum”.

  • But to answer teh question posed, if you want to have a blog set within your website, which is going to be hosted elsewhere since wp.com doesn’t host websites, just blogs, you should grab the software from http;//wordpress.org and place that inside your website.

  • You can have a website with a “Blog” link in the menu that will take your visitors to your WP.com blog. At the moment, that’s what I’m doing. Of course, the templates are different but I still like it.

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